72 Controls

IMPORTANT NOTE: the Controls property has been updated in Survey Shaper Version 8! Users of V8, please disregard this page and go to 72 Controls (Survey Shaper V8 only).

What Is It?

The Controls property allows you to further tailor the presentation of questions using optional keyword commands.

How Do I Use This?

Controls can be entered directly into the Controls property field, multiple controls should be separated by a comma.

Slider Control properties

The presentation of sliders can be specified using Controls in the Properties Pane.




Controls the number of decimal places, or sensitivity of the slider scale (for example, step=0.01 would make the scale sensitive to two decimal places). The default is zero decimal places.


Displays the anchor labels / variable labels on the slider scale.


Stops the value from appearing in the bubble on the slider scale.


Hides the tick marks on the slider (the default is to display the left, middle and right hand side tick marks).

NotSureNextToSlider Displays a non-numeric, or categorical answer, such as “Not Sure”, “Don’t Know” or “Not Applicable” as a radio button option next to the slider (the default is to display these non-numeric answers underneath the slider).
QuestionOnTop Displays the question above the slider scale (the default is to present the question to the left of the slider scale).

Controls the start position of the bubble (for example, using startposition=5 would position the bubble to start at value 5, which would be the midpoint on a 0 to 10 rating scale).

Single & Multi response properties




Displays answer codes vertically on the screen in columns.

Verbatim Field properties




Counts the number of words entered into a verbatim field, showing the remaining word count up to the specified word limit. The survey respondent will not be able to type in more than the number of words specified.

Grid properties




For a checkbox grid question, this control switches the validation from rows to columns. Instead of checking that one answer has been provided per row, this control checks for one answer per column .

itemsperpage=[#] For a grid question with many row items, this control will automatically split the grid across multiple pages while still storing the data in a single variable.